Thursday, November 10, 2005

Why Fight The Feeling?

“Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality.”
-Brian Tracy

Have you ever found yourself fighting a tempting feeling, giving it everything you’ve got to keep from giving in to that urge to do something you know you shouldn’t do? Of course you have; in fact, we all have from time to time. At these moments of truth, your level of self-discipline determines which path you’ll take.

The persuasive pull of temptation can prove to be too great if you cannot consistently summon sufficient self-discipline to keep yourself headed in the right direction. In these instances, fighting the feeling can be a good thing; especially when those ‘feelings’ are likely to do us more harm than good.

“Seeing is believing, but feeling's the truth.”
-Thomas Fuller

But what about those times when we fight the feeling to do those things that we desperately need to do, that we long to accomplish? You know what I’m talking about here, don’t you? Sure you do. Like those times when you know you need to do this or do that, but you also realize that the ‘this or that’ is going to require you to roll up your sleeves and get to work. And getting to work may not seem like a pleasing prospect, especially when compared to lying on the couch or just goofing off.

So we allow the temptation to slack off to override our ardent desire to put our best to the test. Instead of passionately pursuing our dreams with every ounce of fervor and fire we can muster, we allow ourselves to languish in abject mediocrity, falling well short of our realizing our abundant potential. Is this the way you want to go through life; lying around and taking it easy, never showing the courage to reach out and go for the brass ring of life? Or would you prefer to make your life everything you’ve ever dreamed it could be — and more?

It’s up to you — and your ability to take your feelings and out them into action.

“I think one's feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.”
- Florence Nightingale

Sometimes the only discernible difference between succeeding and falling short lies in your ability to do whatever you know needs to be done — whenever it needs doing — regardless of whether you feel like doing it or not. Oh, I know that sure sounds like a lot of extra work and effort, but watching others thrive while you struggle to barely to survive isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either, is it?

By developing the self-discipline to get up and go — and keep going through thick and thin — you pave the pathway to a life filled with riches well beyond anything you’ve ever imagined. And getting up and going is not nearly as hard as you may believe. The secret to turning yourself on and keeping yourself revved at full throttle is as simple as counting to 3.

“You can come to understand your purpose in life by slowing down and feeling your heart's desires.”
- Marcia Wieder

The first step is to open up and FEEL your heart desires, to discover the wealth of ability that already lies buried within. You’ll discover it is far easier to do those things you love to do than it is to force yourself to do something you dislike or disinterests you. If you’ll just slow down and step off of the merry-go-round of life for a few moments, taking the time to tune into your heart’s desires, you’ll be amazed at what your heart will whisper in your ear.

It will help you tap into your unique gifts and talents. But feeling the feeling is not enough; you have to bring these feelings to life. Which leads us to the second step in the process of making your life everything it could be and should be: taking action today. Instead of allowing another precious day to erode into the past, why not turn the tables in your favor and put these invaluable assets to work for you right now, boldly forging your destiny on earth starting today?

The final piece of the puzzle is commitment. Once you get momentum moving in your favor, you’ve got to make certain that you don’t stop no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT! You’ve got to go with the flow that emanates from deep within you and keep moving towards the attainment of each and every dream you hold in your heart. NO MATTER WHAT! As Melba Colgrove said, “Joy is the FEELING of grinning on the inside.” When you give in to the feeling and start grinning on the inside, it’s a sure bet that you’ll be grinning from ear to ear on the outside as well.

The Bottom Line: Whenever and wherever the feeling grabs you, grab it and get to work.


Nayan said...

Really very nice optimistic thoughts. Keep up the good work!

Anshul Negi said...

The Bottom Line: Whenever and wherever the feeling grabs you, grab it and get to work.

Two ways of looking at feel what i want to if i feel like killing someone should I?thats the negative way!!
The other:I feel like living life for others I serve for the poor and less gifted people..thats the positive way.

Now if we were to do what we feel and not think before we do....we could end up killing each other over petty things...just like civic sense self human touch to anything we do.
In fact that thing called sense would no longer be there.
I believe that since we got the brains to ponder on whats best to do...we make a difference in this world..the only logical reason for our survival..and with the power to think we also inherit the sixth sense...and both clubbed together elivate us to the otherwise non existant Soul that you mentioned my friend..I aint seen it for myself yet..but yes I am a something that exists in me apart from what my senses can touch see or feel..that according to me is my soul and I intend to feed it the positive things to make this place a better world to exist!!

Just one last thing..we maydo wrong at times but then no one is perfect ..either learn from your own mistakes or be cautios not to make the same one someone already has!!

gP said...

A very good and smart post.

Just A Human said...

thanx for your comment

thanx for your comment.
read my post Man Machine - again
I guess that should justify

ghost particle,
Thanx buddy - I try my best to keep this blog interesting

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