Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Cookies

At an airport one night, with several long hours before her flight, she hunted for a book in an airport shop. Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop. She was engrossed in her book but happened to see that the man sitting beside her as bold as could be, grabbed a cookie or two from the bag in between them, which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene. So she munched the cookies and watched the clock, as the gutsy cookie thief diminished her stock. She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by, thinking, "If I wasn't so nice, I would blacken his eye." With each cookie she took, he took one too. When only one was left, she wondered what he would do.

With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh he took the last cookie and broke it in half. He offered her half as he ate the other, She snatched it from him and thought....ooh, brother! This guy had some nerve and he's also rude. Why he didn't even show any gratitude! She had never known when she been so galled. She sighed with relief when her flight was called. She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, refusing to look back at the thieving ingrate. She boarded the plane and sank in her seat, then she sought her book.
As she reached in her baggage she gasped with surprise. There was her bag of cookies in front of her eyes. If mine are here, she moaned in despair, the others were his. And he tried to share. Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief! How many times have we absolutely known that something was a certain way, only to discover later that what we believed to be true... was not?
Always keep an 'Open Mind', Because... You Just Never know.... You might be eating someone else's cookies.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Exterior Influences

Old Man. What are the materials of which a steam-engine is made?
Young Man. Iron, steel, brass, white-metal, and so on.

O.M. Where are these found?
Y.M. In the rocks.

O.M. In a pure state?
Y.M. No--in ores.

O.M. Are the metals suddenly deposited in the ores?
Y.M. No--it is the patient work of countless ages.

O.M. You could make the engine out of the rocks themselves?
Y.M. Yes, a brittle one and not valuable.

O.M. You would not require much, of such an engine as that?
Y.M. No--substantially nothing.

O.M. To make a fine and capable engine, how would you proceed?
Y.M. Drive tunnels and shafts into the hills; blast out the iron ore; crush it, smelt it, reduce it to pig-iron; put some of it through the Bessemer process and make steel of it. Mine and treat and combine several metals of which brass is made.

O.M. Then?
Y.M. Out of the perfected result, build the fine engine.

O.M. You would require much of this one?
Y.M. Oh, indeed yes.

O.M. It could drive lathes, drills, planers, punches, polishers, in a word all the cunning machines of a great factory?
Y.M. It could.

O.M. What could the stone engine do?
Y.M. Drive a sewing-machine, possibly--nothing more, perhaps.

O.M. Men would admire the other engine and rapturously praise it?
Y.M. Yes.

O.M. But not the stone one?
Y.M. No.

O.M. The merits of the metal machine would be far above those of the stone one?
Y.M. Of course.

O.M. Personal merits?
Y.M. PERSONAL merits? How do you mean?

O.M. It would be personally entitled to the credit of its own performance?
Y.M. The engine? Certainly not.

O.M. Why not?
Y.M. Because its performance is not personal. It is the result of the law of construction. It is not a MERIT that it does the things which it is set to do--it can't HELP doing them.

O.M. And it is not a personal demerit in the stone machine that it does so little?
Y.M. Certainly not. It does no more and no less than the law of its make permits and compels it to do. There is nothing PERSONAL about it; it cannot choose. In this process of "working up to the matter" is it your idea to work up to the proposition that man and a machine are about the same thing, and that there is no personal merit in the performance of either?

O.M. Yes--but do not be offended; I am meaning no offense. What makes the grand difference between the stone engine and the steel one? Shall we call it training, education? Shall we call the stone engine a savage and the steel one a civilized man? The original rock contained the stuff of which the steel one was built--but along with a lot of sulphur and stone and other obstructing inborn heredities, brought down from the old geologic ages--prejudices, let us call them. Prejudices which nothing within the rock itself had either POWER to remove or any DESIRE to remove. Will you take note of that phrase?
Y.M. Yes. I have written it down; "Prejudices which nothing within the rock itself had either power to remove or any desire to remove." Go on.

O.M. Prejudices must be removed by OUTSIDE INFLUENCES or not at all. Put that down.
Y.M. Very well; "Must be removed by outside influences or not at all." Go on.

O.M. The iron's prejudice against ridding itself of the cumbering rock. To make it more exact, the iron's absolute INDIFFERENCE as to whether the rock be removed or not. Then comes the OUTSIDE INFLUENCE and grinds the rock to powder and sets the ore free. The IRON in the ore is still captive. An OUTSIDE INFLUENCE smelts it free of the clogging ore. The iron is emancipated iron, now, but indifferent to further progress. An OUTSIDE INFLUENCE beguiles it into the Bessemer furnace and refines it into steel of the first quality. It is educated, now --its training is complete. And it has reached its limit. By no possible process can it be educated into GOLD. Will you set that down?
Y.M. Yes. "Everything has its limit--iron ore cannot be educated into gold."

O.M. There are gold men, and tin men, and copper men, and leaden mean, and steel men, and so on--and each has the limitations of his nature, his heredities, his training, and his environment. You can build engines out of each of these metals, and they will all perform, but you must not require the weak ones to do equal work with the strong ones. In each case, to get the best results, you must free the metal from its obstructing prejudicial ones by education--smelting, refining, and so forth.
Y.M. You have arrived at man, now?

O.M. Yes. Man the machine--man the impersonal engine. Whatsoever a man is, is due to his MAKE, and to the INFLUENCES brought to bear upon it by his heredities, his habitat, his associations. He is moved, directed, COMMANDED, by EXTERIOR influences--SOLELY. He ORIGINATES nothing, not even a thought.
Y.M. Oh, come! Where did I get my opinion that this which you are talking is all foolishness?

O.M. It is a quite natural opinion--indeed an inevitable opinion--but YOU did not create the materials out of which it is formed. They are odds and ends of thoughts, impressions, feelings, gathered unconsciously from a thousand books, a thousand conversations, and from streams of thought and feeling which have flowed down into your heart and brain out of the hearts and brains of centuries of ancestors. PERSONALLY you did not create even the smallest microscopic fragment of the materials out of which your opinion is made; and personally you cannot claim even the slender merit of PUTTING THE BORROWED MATERIALS TOGETHER. That was done AUTOMATICALLY--by your mental machinery, in strict accordance with the law of that machinery's construction. And you not only did not make that machinery yourself, but you have NOT EVEN ANY COMMAND OVER IT.
Y.M. This is too much. You think I could have formed no opinion but that one?

O.M. Spontaneously? No. And YOU DID NOT FORM THAT ONE; your machinery did it for you--automatically and instantly, without reflection or the need of it.
Y.M. Suppose I had reflected? How then?

O.M. Suppose you try?
Y.M. (AFTER A QUARTER OF AN HOUR.) I have reflected.

O.M. You mean you have tried to change your opinion--as an experiment?
Y.M. Yes.

O.M. With success?
Y.M. No. It remains the same; it is impossible to change it.

O.M. I am sorry, but you see, yourself, that your mind is merely a machine, nothing more. You have no command over it, it has no command over itself--it is worked SOLELY FROM THE OUTSIDE. That is the law of its make; it is the law of all machines.
Y.M. Can't I EVER change one of these automatic opinions?

O.M. No. You can't yourself, but EXTERIOR INFLUENCES can do it.
Y.M. And exterior ones ONLY?

O.M. Yes--exterior ones only.
Y.M. That position is untenable--I may say ludicrously untenable.

O.M. What makes you think so?
Y.M. I don't merely think it, I know it. Suppose I resolve to enter upon a course of thought, and study, and reading, with the deliberate purpose of changing that opinion; and suppose I succeed. THAT is not the work of an exterior impulse, the whole of it is mine and personal; for I originated the project.

O.M. Not a shred of it. IT GREW OUT OF THIS TALK WITH ME. But for that it would not have occurred to you. No man ever originates anything. All his thoughts, all his impulses, come FROM THE OUTSIDE.
Y.M. It's an exasperating subject. The FIRST man had original thoughts, anyway; there was nobody to draw from.

O.M. It is a mistake. Adam's thoughts came to him from the outside. YOU have a fear of death. You did not invent that--you got it from outside, from talking and teaching. Adam had no fear of death--none in the world.
Y.M. Yes, he had.

O.M. When he was created?
Y.M. No.

O.M. When, then?
Y.M. When he was threatened with it.

O.M. Then it came from OUTSIDE. Adam is quite big enough; let us not try to make a god of him. Adam probably had a good head, but it was of no sort of use to him until it was filled up FROM THE OUTSIDE. He was not able to invent the triflingest little thing with it. He had not a shadow of a notion of the difference between good and evil--he had to get the idea FROM THE OUTSIDE. Neither he nor Eve was able to originate the idea that it was immodest to go naked; the knowledge came in with the apple FROM THE OUTSIDE. A man's brain is so constructed that IT CAN ORIGINATE NOTHING WHATSOEVER. It can only use material obtained OUTSIDE. It is merely a machine; and it works automatically, not by will-power. IT HAS NO COMMAND OVER ITSELF, ITS OWNER HAS NO COMMAND OVER IT.
Y.M. Well, never mind Adam: but certainly Shakespeare's creations--

O.M. No, you mean Shakespeare's IMITATIONS. Shakespeare created nothing. He correctly observed, and he marvelously painted. He exactly portrayed people whom NATURE had created; but he created none himself. Let us spare him the slander of charging him with trying. Shakespeare could not create. HE WAS A MACHINE, AND MACHINES DO NOT CREATE.
Y.M. Where WAS his excellence, then?

O.M. In this. He was not a sewing-machine, like you and me; he was a Gobelin loom. The threads and the colors came into him FROM THE OUTSIDE; outside influences, suggestions, EXPERIENCES (reading, seeing plays, playing plays, borrowing ideas, and so on), framed the patterns in his mind and started up his complex and admirable machinery, and IT AUTOMATICALLY turned out that pictured and gorgeous fabric which still compels the astonishment of the world. If Shakespeare had been born and bred on a barren and unvisited rock in the ocean his mighty intellect would have had no OUTSIDE MATERIAL to work with, and could have invented none; and NO OUTSIDE INFLUENCES, teachings, moldings, persuasions, inspirations, of a valuable sort, and could have invented none; and so Shakespeare would have produced nothing. In Turkey he would have produced something--something up to the highest limit of Turkish influences, associations, and training. In France he would have produced something better--something up to the highest limit of the French influences and training. In England he rose to the highest limit attainable through the OUTSIDE HELPS AFFORDED BY THAT LAND'S IDEALS, INFLUENCES, AND TRAINING. You and I are but sewing-machines. We must turn out what we can; we must do our endeavor and care nothing at all when the unthinking reproach us for not turning out Gobelins.
Y.M. And so we are mere machines! And machines may not boast, nor feel proud of their performance, nor claim personal merit for it, nor applause and praise. It is an infamous doctrine.
O.M. It isn't a doctrine, it is merely a fact.
Y.M. I suppose, then, there is no more merit in being brave than in being a coward?

O.M. PERSONAL merit? No. A brave man does not CREATE his bravery. He is entitled to no personal credit for possessing it. It is born to him. A baby born with a billion dollars--where is the personal merit in that? A baby born with nothing--where is the personal demerit in that? The one is fawned upon, admired, worshiped, by sycophants, the other is neglected and despised-- where is the sense in it?
Y.M. Sometimes a timid man sets himself the task of conquering his cowardice and becoming brave--and succeeds. What do you say to that?

O.M. That it shows the value of TRAINING IN RIGHT DIRECTIONS OVER TRAINING IN WRONG ONES. Inestimably valuable is training, influence, education, in right directions--TRAINING ONE'S SELF-APPROBATION TO ELEVATE ITS IDEALS.
Y.M. But as to merit--the personal merit of the victorious coward's project and achievement?

O.M. There isn't any. In the world's view he is a worthier man than he was before, but HE didn't achieve the change--the merit of it is not his.
Y.M. Whose, then?

O.M. His MAKE, and the influences which wrought upon it from the outside.
Y.M. His make?

O.M. To start with, he was NOT utterly and completely a coward, or the influences would have had nothing to work upon. He was not afraid of a cow, though perhaps of a bull: not afraid of a woman, but afraid of a man. There was something to build upon. There was a SEED. No seed, no plant. Did he make that seed himself, or was it born in him? It was no merit of HIS that the seed was there.
Y.M. Well, anyway, the idea of CULTIVATING it, the resolution to cultivate it, was meritorious, and he originated that.

O.M. He did nothing of the kind. It came whence ALL impulses, good or bad, come--from OUTSIDE. If that timid man had lived all his life in a community of human rabbits, had never read of brave deeds, had never heard speak of them, had never heard any one praise them nor express envy of the heroes that had done them, he would have had no more idea of bravery than Adam had of modesty, and it could never by any possibility have occurred to him to RESOLVE to become brave. He COULD NOT ORIGINATE THE IDEA--it had to come to him from the OUTSIDE. And so, when he heard bravery extolled and cowardice derided, it woke him up. He was ashamed. Perhaps his sweetheart turned up her nose and said, "I am told that you are a coward!" It was not HE that turned over the new leaf--she did it for him. HE must not strut around in the merit of it--it is not his.
Y.M. But, anyway, he reared the plant after she watered the seed.

O.M. No. OUTSIDE INFLUENCES reared it. At the command-- and trembling--he marched out into the field--with other soldiers and in the daytime, not alone and in the dark. He had the INFLUENCE OF EXAMPLE, he drew courage from his comrades' courage; he was afraid, and wanted to run, but he did not dare; he was AFRAID to run, with all those soldiers looking on. He was progressing, you see--the moral fear of shame had risen superior to the physical fear of harm. By the end of the campaign experience will have taught him that not ALL who go into battle get hurt--an outside influence which will be helpful to him; and he will also have learned how sweet it is to be praised for courage and be huzza'd at with tear-choked voices as the war-worn regiment marches past the worshiping multitude with flags flying and the drums beating. After that he will be as securely brave as any veteran in the army--and there will not be a shade nor suggestion of PERSONAL MERIT in it anywhere; it will all have come from the OUTSIDE.

(A citation from an essay 'What is Man?' by Mark Twain.)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Woman to me...

(But obvious, not originally written by me - but does it matter? Read on...)

An angel of truth and a dream of fiction,
a Woman is a bundle of contradictions.

She's afraid of a wasp,
Will scream at a mouse,
But will tackle her husband alone in the house.

She'll take him for better,
She'll take him for worse
She'll break open his head and then be his nurse.

But when he's well and can get out of bed.
She'll pick up the tea-pot and throw it at his head.

Beautiful and keen sighted yet blind,
Crafty and cruel, yet simple and kind.

She'll call him a king and then make him a clown.
Raise him on a pedestal, then throw him flat down.

She inspires him to deeds that ennoble man,
Or make him her lackey to carry her fan.

She'll run away from him and never come back,
But if he runs away she'll be on his tracks.

Sour as vinegar, sweet as a rose
She'll kiss you one minute, then turn up her nose.

She'll win you in range, enchant you in silk
She is stronger than brandy, milder than milk.


Sunday, November 13, 2005


Everything has an aura.
Some people can see past the 3D color/aura spectrum and see the frequencies of light that are streaming through now. These colors may appear as a rainbow or twin rainbows. An aura is the electromagnetic field surrounding an object. Some people refer to this field as a bio-energy field. In truth this energy field not only goes around you, but moves within your body as well. It is not just the outside of your body that is made of electromagnetic energies, every part of your and everything your experience in third dimension. Auras vibrate to different color, sound and light frequencies.

Auras can be seen physically, or sensed psychically, or both.
To practice seeing auras - have the subject stand in front of a white background and look to the side of their body - either side is fine. Daylight is often the best light as the sun's rays are full spectrum. If you watch the person for a minute, you will see their electromagnetic energies as sort of wavy lines of energies. This looks a lot like the energy you see when you are watching an airplane taking off in a movie.

Please do not strain you eyes. Relax. You might want to let your eyes go a little out of focus while you are looking for an aura. You may only see the aura for a few seconds, then it will disappear. After you see that energy, you may also see or sense a color frequency, maybe two or three colors, in the aura. After several minutes you should be able to see some sort of energy field around the person, even if you cannot determine the color.

Remember that auras change all the time according to the person's mood and environment. Anything that can affect an electromagnetic field can affect a change in one's aura. As everything that is in our reality is created from electromagnetic energy, everything has an aura - plants, animals, etc.

If you would like to see your own aura, find a mirror that is in a well lit room. Relax. Look at your head or head and shoulder area. Focus on one side of your head. Soon you should be able to see the electromagnetic energies as a field of light - around your head.

Do you want to feel the electromagnetic energies coming from your body? Try holding the palms of your hand facing each other - about two inches apart. Wait a few second. You will feel something. If you hands are nervous and cold, that will hamper the energies.

Once you begin to feel the sensation of electromagnetic energies between your palms, move them slowly to and fro. You will feel the movement of your aura. Look between your hands to see the electromagnetic energies, your aura. Try moving your palms further and further apart slowly. See how far you can go before you no longer feel the 'pull'. Remember to check periodically by moving your hands slightly and slowly. Now try pointing your fingers towards each other and feel those energies. Again move your fingertips to and fro. You can repeat this with another person.

Aura energies are linked to colors, the chakra system, musical tones/notes, as they all resonate to the same frequency. Sound, light and color are all interconnected at source.

So as you see all things are connected by the flow of the electromagnetic energy fields that create our reality!
(Content courtesy - Ellie Crystal)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Why Fight The Feeling?

“Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality.”
-Brian Tracy

Have you ever found yourself fighting a tempting feeling, giving it everything you’ve got to keep from giving in to that urge to do something you know you shouldn’t do? Of course you have; in fact, we all have from time to time. At these moments of truth, your level of self-discipline determines which path you’ll take.

The persuasive pull of temptation can prove to be too great if you cannot consistently summon sufficient self-discipline to keep yourself headed in the right direction. In these instances, fighting the feeling can be a good thing; especially when those ‘feelings’ are likely to do us more harm than good.

“Seeing is believing, but feeling's the truth.”
-Thomas Fuller

But what about those times when we fight the feeling to do those things that we desperately need to do, that we long to accomplish? You know what I’m talking about here, don’t you? Sure you do. Like those times when you know you need to do this or do that, but you also realize that the ‘this or that’ is going to require you to roll up your sleeves and get to work. And getting to work may not seem like a pleasing prospect, especially when compared to lying on the couch or just goofing off.

So we allow the temptation to slack off to override our ardent desire to put our best to the test. Instead of passionately pursuing our dreams with every ounce of fervor and fire we can muster, we allow ourselves to languish in abject mediocrity, falling well short of our realizing our abundant potential. Is this the way you want to go through life; lying around and taking it easy, never showing the courage to reach out and go for the brass ring of life? Or would you prefer to make your life everything you’ve ever dreamed it could be — and more?

It’s up to you — and your ability to take your feelings and out them into action.

“I think one's feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.”
- Florence Nightingale

Sometimes the only discernible difference between succeeding and falling short lies in your ability to do whatever you know needs to be done — whenever it needs doing — regardless of whether you feel like doing it or not. Oh, I know that sure sounds like a lot of extra work and effort, but watching others thrive while you struggle to barely to survive isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either, is it?

By developing the self-discipline to get up and go — and keep going through thick and thin — you pave the pathway to a life filled with riches well beyond anything you’ve ever imagined. And getting up and going is not nearly as hard as you may believe. The secret to turning yourself on and keeping yourself revved at full throttle is as simple as counting to 3.

“You can come to understand your purpose in life by slowing down and feeling your heart's desires.”
- Marcia Wieder

The first step is to open up and FEEL your heart desires, to discover the wealth of ability that already lies buried within. You’ll discover it is far easier to do those things you love to do than it is to force yourself to do something you dislike or disinterests you. If you’ll just slow down and step off of the merry-go-round of life for a few moments, taking the time to tune into your heart’s desires, you’ll be amazed at what your heart will whisper in your ear.

It will help you tap into your unique gifts and talents. But feeling the feeling is not enough; you have to bring these feelings to life. Which leads us to the second step in the process of making your life everything it could be and should be: taking action today. Instead of allowing another precious day to erode into the past, why not turn the tables in your favor and put these invaluable assets to work for you right now, boldly forging your destiny on earth starting today?

The final piece of the puzzle is commitment. Once you get momentum moving in your favor, you’ve got to make certain that you don’t stop no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT! You’ve got to go with the flow that emanates from deep within you and keep moving towards the attainment of each and every dream you hold in your heart. NO MATTER WHAT! As Melba Colgrove said, “Joy is the FEELING of grinning on the inside.” When you give in to the feeling and start grinning on the inside, it’s a sure bet that you’ll be grinning from ear to ear on the outside as well.

The Bottom Line: Whenever and wherever the feeling grabs you, grab it and get to work.

Sunday, November 06, 2005



Is trust a word you use to describe how you feel about your bank manager because you trust him with your money that he will not run away with it? In that case, trust is something that is reinforced by the law. The law stops the bank manager from running away with your money not your trust of the bank manager.

Is trust a word that you use for the person who you asked to get you tickets for a concert? Well, maybe, this person is doing a favor to you by a moral or ethical reason that this persons parent has instilled into them as a child. The person will get the tickets because he or she said so and her or she has made a moral commitment to you.

Is trust the word a soldier uses when he describes his relationship with his comrades? To some extent this is true but loyalty and training becomes part of the equation.

Trust can be interpreted in many ways.

Real trust is very uncommon. The true meaning of trust can only be found when individuals willingly enter a state of mind that will allow trust to blossom or mature. There are many levels of trust and all of these levels can be achieved by creating a euphoric, blissful, non-static, barrier free state of mind. This level cannot be forced, it has to be searched out in the mind of each individual and the path has to be taken by the individual alone. Someone who has been there can help with the journey but it is still a journey that must be taken alone.

Complete trust cannot be achieved on it's own. Complete trust will not stand-alone without other feelings being involved. Trust is only a word with no meaning until it is supported by truth.

I am going to call this the TRUST/TRUTH/CHAIN.

Trust cannot become an entity unto it's own without truth being part of trust. For any relationship to be trustful, truth must be part of it. Part truth will only create part trust. This is where barriers are thrown up to disguise the truth that in turn disguises trust. It seems to be human nature to throw up barriers to the truth. We are taught at a very early age that there can be advantages to withholding the truth of ones feelings or of knowledge of something. Usually it is the perception that the real truth can be used later for bargaining or to inflict an insult upon another person. Also, secrets are kept back behind barriers in the trust/truth chain. A secret may keep the individual from getting into a self-destructive relationship with the person whom you are shielding the truth from.

OH what a mess the human mind can get itself into.

Just consider a society where no one holds back the truth. Wouldn't that differ so greatly from today's culture?

For the unique individuals who can reach the true trust/truth level there will naturally occur another level. It is a level that very few people in history ever reach. It is the highest level of the trust/truth chain.

I am going to call this the TRUST/TRUTH/LOVE CHAIN.

There is no greater state of mind a mortal human being can achieve. The only experience one can reach after the trust/truth/love level is the feeling that many people have reported about when they have had near death experiences and have seen and felt a love and compassion beyond words and explanation.

The love in the trust/truth/love chain can be of many different levels also. It can be an emotional and physical love. It can be a closeness that is beyond friendship but still not associated with a physical/sexual relationship. It can be a love that is between sexes .It can be a love between a mother and daughter or father and son or a love between two friends of the same sex or an intense friendship between two of the opposite sex.

The highest level of love is so very uncommon. It is a level where both parties seem to know what the other is feeling or thinking all the time, even if they are miles apart. This level of love is the most compassionate, blissful, unrelenting and infinite love capable in the universe. Classic love stories thrive on our minds willingness and dreams to reach this level and many times the authors of these stories can produce a momentary acceptance of a vision of complete T/T/L Chain. But alas, the human mind closes the T/T/L Chain down by throwing up barriers. The authors of these classic love stories have an insight into the true T/T/L Chain and they have tried as best as they can to pass on their own feeling or the feelings that they know are correct to their readers.

There is hope; a level of consciousness, of mind, of bliss can be achieved through T/T/L. It is up to the individual who wishes to peruse it. I believe a combination of verbal therapy, touch therapy and message therapy can help induce the T/T/L Chain but again it is up to how much the individual wants to achieve it. Maybe, someday the human race will enter into a society that emphasizes T/T/L rather than deceit, mistruth, and all the other feelings and correspondence we use to reach our selfish and greedy existence.

A true T/T/L society is where trust is paramount because everyone is truthful with one another. And if everyone is truthful with one another then love will prevail.

Once the barriers of distrust, untruth and hate disappear, something else has to take its place.

I often wonder about the animate kingdom where instincts take precedence. Or do they? Canadian geese and swans are but a few species that mate for life. If the mate dies, usually the other mate dies a short time later. There must be something in these animals that goes beyond procreation. Maybe in the animal kingdom, love between the mates is paramount. Their minds have not developed enough to let or require trust and truth become part of their equation for ultimate existence.

To the reader:
The T/T/L Chain described in this essay can be expanded upon by discussion and I encourage it. The human mind is a universe until itself. As infinite as the cosmic universe.
Article courtesy: Murray Brown

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Eid | Diwali

Friends greetings !!

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