Sunday, November 06, 2005



Is trust a word you use to describe how you feel about your bank manager because you trust him with your money that he will not run away with it? In that case, trust is something that is reinforced by the law. The law stops the bank manager from running away with your money not your trust of the bank manager.

Is trust a word that you use for the person who you asked to get you tickets for a concert? Well, maybe, this person is doing a favor to you by a moral or ethical reason that this persons parent has instilled into them as a child. The person will get the tickets because he or she said so and her or she has made a moral commitment to you.

Is trust the word a soldier uses when he describes his relationship with his comrades? To some extent this is true but loyalty and training becomes part of the equation.

Trust can be interpreted in many ways.

Real trust is very uncommon. The true meaning of trust can only be found when individuals willingly enter a state of mind that will allow trust to blossom or mature. There are many levels of trust and all of these levels can be achieved by creating a euphoric, blissful, non-static, barrier free state of mind. This level cannot be forced, it has to be searched out in the mind of each individual and the path has to be taken by the individual alone. Someone who has been there can help with the journey but it is still a journey that must be taken alone.

Complete trust cannot be achieved on it's own. Complete trust will not stand-alone without other feelings being involved. Trust is only a word with no meaning until it is supported by truth.

I am going to call this the TRUST/TRUTH/CHAIN.

Trust cannot become an entity unto it's own without truth being part of trust. For any relationship to be trustful, truth must be part of it. Part truth will only create part trust. This is where barriers are thrown up to disguise the truth that in turn disguises trust. It seems to be human nature to throw up barriers to the truth. We are taught at a very early age that there can be advantages to withholding the truth of ones feelings or of knowledge of something. Usually it is the perception that the real truth can be used later for bargaining or to inflict an insult upon another person. Also, secrets are kept back behind barriers in the trust/truth chain. A secret may keep the individual from getting into a self-destructive relationship with the person whom you are shielding the truth from.

OH what a mess the human mind can get itself into.

Just consider a society where no one holds back the truth. Wouldn't that differ so greatly from today's culture?

For the unique individuals who can reach the true trust/truth level there will naturally occur another level. It is a level that very few people in history ever reach. It is the highest level of the trust/truth chain.

I am going to call this the TRUST/TRUTH/LOVE CHAIN.

There is no greater state of mind a mortal human being can achieve. The only experience one can reach after the trust/truth/love level is the feeling that many people have reported about when they have had near death experiences and have seen and felt a love and compassion beyond words and explanation.

The love in the trust/truth/love chain can be of many different levels also. It can be an emotional and physical love. It can be a closeness that is beyond friendship but still not associated with a physical/sexual relationship. It can be a love that is between sexes .It can be a love between a mother and daughter or father and son or a love between two friends of the same sex or an intense friendship between two of the opposite sex.

The highest level of love is so very uncommon. It is a level where both parties seem to know what the other is feeling or thinking all the time, even if they are miles apart. This level of love is the most compassionate, blissful, unrelenting and infinite love capable in the universe. Classic love stories thrive on our minds willingness and dreams to reach this level and many times the authors of these stories can produce a momentary acceptance of a vision of complete T/T/L Chain. But alas, the human mind closes the T/T/L Chain down by throwing up barriers. The authors of these classic love stories have an insight into the true T/T/L Chain and they have tried as best as they can to pass on their own feeling or the feelings that they know are correct to their readers.

There is hope; a level of consciousness, of mind, of bliss can be achieved through T/T/L. It is up to the individual who wishes to peruse it. I believe a combination of verbal therapy, touch therapy and message therapy can help induce the T/T/L Chain but again it is up to how much the individual wants to achieve it. Maybe, someday the human race will enter into a society that emphasizes T/T/L rather than deceit, mistruth, and all the other feelings and correspondence we use to reach our selfish and greedy existence.

A true T/T/L society is where trust is paramount because everyone is truthful with one another. And if everyone is truthful with one another then love will prevail.

Once the barriers of distrust, untruth and hate disappear, something else has to take its place.

I often wonder about the animate kingdom where instincts take precedence. Or do they? Canadian geese and swans are but a few species that mate for life. If the mate dies, usually the other mate dies a short time later. There must be something in these animals that goes beyond procreation. Maybe in the animal kingdom, love between the mates is paramount. Their minds have not developed enough to let or require trust and truth become part of their equation for ultimate existence.

To the reader:
The T/T/L Chain described in this essay can be expanded upon by discussion and I encourage it. The human mind is a universe until itself. As infinite as the cosmic universe.
Article courtesy: Murray Brown


gautami tripathy said...

I like what I read!

Known Stranger said...

Is it ?
I would say.. happiness is fake, virtual. We should embrace the fact. just kidding. nice dropping by Mr. Human.

Jyotsna said...

if you trust your own self,you will find trust everywhere,no questions asked and no doubts about it trusting your friend or the bank manager..This made for a good read!tx for dropping by my blog...

Mirage said...

I have the deepest regard for the word 'trust'. If someone tells me 'I trust you' i take it as the greatest compliment I cud ever get! But I have also been betrayed many times and thus i have to choose carefully before i lay my trust in anyone...and its becoming harder with each day...

neway u got a nice blog here... thnx 4 dropping by mine.

That Girl said...

Nice post. Trust is a difficult word to interpret. Like you said, a lot of times trust is created by the conditions a person is in, so that makes it hard to tell apart 'obligatory trust' from the 'real' trust.

And For any relationship to be trustful, truth must be part of it. Part truth will only create part trust. - Totally agree with you there. No truth, no trust. That's why the people we trust the most (best friends, the ones you love) are the ones before whom we don't have any facades set up.

Thanks for commenting on my post :)

Just A Human said...

Thanx, keep reading - share your thoughts.

Known Stranger,
You are right pain & happiness both are fake, try holding to it, it will defy you. Thanx for the comment, you have a nice blog there.

Thanx for your comment. But I guess everyone is so honest with themselves - they really cannot cheat their conscience. Try it...

Keep visiting thanx for your comment.

Way to go, you are excellent with words - keep it up on your blog and life too.

still_figuring_out said...

i do not trust people easily. it took me some time to have complete faith and trust in my significant other. but once it was established, it created a bond between us that is so strong, it is frightening. i think trust and love work hand in hand. i truly love 4 people in this world, and these 4 people have my complete trust.

that being said, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. and for the compliment as well! :)

Misreflection said...

really interesting blog, a thinker.. you're right the limitations of thought is endless and it does get messy.. will be back to read more of your stuff.. but complete trust is something I have yet to find.. believe you get it in varying degrees but you can really only trust yourself that too is debatable. Tks for your comment on my blog hope you come back again.

gP said...

Hi JH. Thanx for the whises. Wish u a Happy Deepavali too. You have a nice blog here. Keep up the good job.

Anonymous said...

very nice and really interesting topic! :) love your blog and btw thanks for dropping by at my site. have a nice day!

Just A Human said...

you know one more fact, the people on whom you have 100% trust are most eligible to break it. I guess you should have the trust doubt ratio 70:30

as I just said - trust doubt ration 70:30 and you are safe. Thanx for the comment - even I am a regular at your blog.

ghost particle,
I like your ID title in particular - so creative 'ghost particle'. Thanx for dropping by...

thanx friend, i love yours too.

Unknown said...

This is a very interesting topic. Thanks for sharing this to us.

Gel said...

Fascinating essay! I enjoy reading, writing, and discussing philosphy. I'll be back to read more posts.

BTW, thx for visiting my site. I replied to your question about "eyes" on that post.

Just A Human said...

Thanx for reading my post - keep up your visits. I would surely like to share my views with your friends, inturn i will also add your blog to my list soon.

Knowledge multiplies when shared - thanx for visiting.

green-eyed lady,
Thanx my dear artist friend. I hope you will keep visiting in the future.

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