Sunday, November 13, 2005


Everything has an aura.
Some people can see past the 3D color/aura spectrum and see the frequencies of light that are streaming through now. These colors may appear as a rainbow or twin rainbows. An aura is the electromagnetic field surrounding an object. Some people refer to this field as a bio-energy field. In truth this energy field not only goes around you, but moves within your body as well. It is not just the outside of your body that is made of electromagnetic energies, every part of your and everything your experience in third dimension. Auras vibrate to different color, sound and light frequencies.

Auras can be seen physically, or sensed psychically, or both.
To practice seeing auras - have the subject stand in front of a white background and look to the side of their body - either side is fine. Daylight is often the best light as the sun's rays are full spectrum. If you watch the person for a minute, you will see their electromagnetic energies as sort of wavy lines of energies. This looks a lot like the energy you see when you are watching an airplane taking off in a movie.

Please do not strain you eyes. Relax. You might want to let your eyes go a little out of focus while you are looking for an aura. You may only see the aura for a few seconds, then it will disappear. After you see that energy, you may also see or sense a color frequency, maybe two or three colors, in the aura. After several minutes you should be able to see some sort of energy field around the person, even if you cannot determine the color.

Remember that auras change all the time according to the person's mood and environment. Anything that can affect an electromagnetic field can affect a change in one's aura. As everything that is in our reality is created from electromagnetic energy, everything has an aura - plants, animals, etc.

If you would like to see your own aura, find a mirror that is in a well lit room. Relax. Look at your head or head and shoulder area. Focus on one side of your head. Soon you should be able to see the electromagnetic energies as a field of light - around your head.

Do you want to feel the electromagnetic energies coming from your body? Try holding the palms of your hand facing each other - about two inches apart. Wait a few second. You will feel something. If you hands are nervous and cold, that will hamper the energies.

Once you begin to feel the sensation of electromagnetic energies between your palms, move them slowly to and fro. You will feel the movement of your aura. Look between your hands to see the electromagnetic energies, your aura. Try moving your palms further and further apart slowly. See how far you can go before you no longer feel the 'pull'. Remember to check periodically by moving your hands slightly and slowly. Now try pointing your fingers towards each other and feel those energies. Again move your fingertips to and fro. You can repeat this with another person.

Aura energies are linked to colors, the chakra system, musical tones/notes, as they all resonate to the same frequency. Sound, light and color are all interconnected at source.

So as you see all things are connected by the flow of the electromagnetic energy fields that create our reality!
(Content courtesy - Ellie Crystal)


Misreflection said...

It takes a bit of skill being able to see the aura of oneself or others.. Have you actually been able to do this.? Instuctions make it seem simple but in truth I think its only a few that can do this.I just rely on the vibes people send out.. much easier to pick up.

still_figuring_out said...

i tried, but the methods did work for me--for now. maybe i will try this experiment when i`m feeling relaxed :)

AquaM said...

does reiki and pranic healing make use of particular energies in the treatment of your ailment?

Just A Human said...

Yes I was able to see my own aura hence I suggested. You are right, even I mentioned in my post there - not everyone would be able to see the aura of oneself or others, but I am sure if you are little concentrated and in a stable and relaxed state of mind you would be able to feel the electromagnetic field - by holding the palms of your hand facing each other.

All the best friend.

my next post will explain that for you

AquaM said...

will look forward to ur forwards as well

Cecilia said...

hmmm, this explains what has always fascinated me when watching teachers/porfessors give their lectures. I thought it was just my imagination seeing "something" emanating from them. This is very informative, thank you! I hope I will be able to develop this over time.

gautami tripathy said...

I have seen this phenomena!

Walking Contradiction said...


Walking Contradiction said...
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Just A Human said...

I hope you got my 1st installment of crakers :)

If you concentrate a little more and relax your mind you will see more

Really? Keep observing...

Walking Contradiction,
Yes maybe I am, actually you know you been hypnotized by abnormal people around you - snap - wakeup boy!

alive 'n confused,
And when you do experience - you will thank Nature.

gP said...

Mighty interesting read! said...

Dear sir,

Don't downgrade yourself. I just feel a reserve since you have said you are married, and because I have said what I wanted to say.

Be blessed.


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